About Me

Name: Mark Reffel

Callsign: VE7RMJ

Grid Square: CN79ng

Ham radio Operator Since: 2017

I have always been interested in radio ever since I was little. I remember driving across the country when we moved as a young child. My parents had bought a pair of CB radios to keep in touch while driving since cell phones were not a thing back then. I remember getting to hold and operate the handheld unit we had.

I also remember in university a few of my fellow classmates who had their technician license and were showing off how they were able to use a small handheld radio to comunicate with people around the world. I have always been facinated with radio and all that it can do.

Once I came to Canada I found that there was a local club NARA offering a basic license class / test. Since I never really knew much on how to go about obtaining my license I jumped on this opportunity to try and get my Ham license. I passed and got my Basic with Honors license.

After obtaining my license I began to figure out all that I could do with it. I found fun activities such as SOTA’s and Fox Hunts which I helped convince my club to participate in. I have also helped arrange / construct many fox hunt tape measure 2m yagi antennas as well as attend some ham radio swap meets where I was able to get some more decent equipment as I started (like lots of hams) with cheap Chinese radios such as Retevis, Baofeng, TTY, etc. I find these cheap radios a good way to start into the hobby without spending to much money to begin with but I do also see the advantage in upgrading to a nicer Japanese made radio as well.